Finally, after five days of varying degrees of thick cloud, the midlatitude air mass that has been sitting over Eureka has finally left. Temperatures are back to normal: 35 below or thereabouts, and the Sun is back. I'm pointing to it in this picture with my club for a hand (if I had thought, I would have taken off my mittens), but the auto feature of my camera clearly didn't read my mind and know that I wanted the Sun visible in the washed out sky. Anyways, it was exciting to finally see it again. This is normally the time of year where I fool myself into thinking that it's super-bright out, and then I look at my pictures a few days later and realise that the skies are still pink and it's still sunrise/set in all of them. After the week we've had, I'm just happy to have something in the sky to look at that isn't cloud. Or blowing snow. Incidentally, that's not my spectrometer to the right. Mine is much cooler. And didn't require modification of the building to install (note the missing guard rail).