Note that there is no qualifier to the best day ever. This is because today was truly the best day EVER. We got out of Resolute on time with no problems. It was great flying today - a bit of cloud, but mostly sunny skies and you could see all the way to the ground. And when there was cloud it was neat. (Remember that I'm an atmosphere geek.) But, what made this the best day EVER was the fact that today I flew a plane. A Dormier 223. For like half an hour. And there were other planes around. (Miles above us, flying over the pole from Europe to the US or vice versa.) But still. Me. Who can't read without her glasses. Flying a PLANE. (Note that I'm wearing my glasses.) The pilots let everyone have a turn at the wheel, mostly, I think, because the plane doesn't have auto-pilot, and it was a pretty boring flight from Resolute to Yellowknife. Regardless of their motives, we all had an amazing time. Pierre wins for best scary moment, when he made the plane dive a bit too quickly for us passengers. Now we're back in Yellowknife and off to find beer on tap. Mmmm... And since it's like -5 here, I've also packed away my snow pants, boots, and parka. Regular winter clothes, how I've missed you.